This might be the best place to see big cats in Africa: Photos

This might be the best place to see big cats in Africa: Photos

I didn’t expect to see all three of the top big cats in Africa in one day.

But there they were.

Lions basking in the early rays of the sun amongst the sage bushes.

A leopard panting because her belly was too full.

And the rarest sighting of all – – a family of cheetahs.

Indeed, my African safari week at the Mashatu Game Reserve in Botswana continued to be like heaven for cat ladies.  Astonishingly so.

Why Botswana’s Mashatu Game Reserve is one of the best places to spot big cats in Africa

The king of the big cats in Africa - A lion sits near a sage bush at the Mashatu Game Reserve in Botswana

It has a lot to do with Botswana’s low population and strong conservation practices.

The country, which is just to the north of South Africa, has set aside almost 40% of its land for conservation.  And it does not tolerate poaching – – it recruits members of the armed forces to deal with poachers.

As a result, Botswana has the highest density of wildlife in Africa.  It’s one of the main reasons why I wanted to visit.

A leopard on the prowl as seen on a Botswana safari

Why Mashatu for your African safari?

This private game reserve has 42,000 hectares of privately-owned land in the corner where Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe come together.  It has diverse landscapes – – open areas for cheetahs to run, tall trees for leopards to climb and plenty of grasses and sage brush for lions to hide and sleep.

It was more than enough to keep my camera clicking on a week-long safari in Africa.

Here are just some of the highlights:

Leopards in Botswana

A leopard sits in sand in the road in Botswana - one of the most elusive big cats in Africa

A leopard sleeps upside down in sand in Botswana

A leopard drinks from a puddle on a Botswana game reserve

Two leopards courting --a rare sighting of these big cats in Africa

Leopard courtship.

A leopard sleeping in a tree

The endangered cheetahs of Africa

A cheetah surveys its hunting grounds in Botswana

Two cheetahs in the same family on the look-out

Although cheetahs are built for speed, you can see that their bodies are actually quite frail. They don’t fare well in unexpected attacks.

Cheetahs sleeping under a bush - - a rare sighting of big cats in Africa

A cheetah bares all of its teeth while yawning

A close up photo of a cheetah's face on safari in Botswana

The black tear marks on a cheetah’s face reduce glare when it spots its prey — the same strategy used by football players!

Lions in Botswana:  Still kings of the big cats in Africa

A young male lion relaxes by a sage bush in Botswana

Lions enjoy resting among the sage bushes at Mashatu. Their prey unwittingly stumble within reach because they don’t smell the lions amidst the sage.

One lion bats another in the face in a scuffle in Botswana

Two lions touch noses in morning sunshine in Botswana

A pride of lions sit on a hill in morning sunshine in a Botswana game reserve

A lion with a bloody mouth after a meal in Botswana

An old male lion relaxes in the shade - still king of the big cats in Africa


More Information:

Get more details on the Mashatu Game Reserve in Botswana  Check reviews and availability here.

Tourism Information: Botswana Tourism Organization

Photography Equipment:  Nikon D5300 (Yes, it’s an old, basic camera), Sigma 150 – 600mm Telephoto Lens for Nikon (It’s the lens that makes a difference).

Suggested Reading: Botswana Safari Guide

Pin it:

Check out this photo-filled article on the best place to see big cats in Africa. At this game reserve in Botswana, the chances are good that you'll see lions, leopards and rare cheetahs on your African safari. It's truly one of the best destinations to see big cats in the wild. #Africansafari #bigcats #leopardsWondering where to see big cats in Africa. Check this post to learn about one of the best places to see big cats in Africa. At this game reserve, there's a good chance of seeing lions, cheetahs and leopards on your African safari. #Botswana #bigcats #lionsYou may also like:
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